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SOC 350: Poverty & Inequality (Forsythe-Brown)

Research Guide for Dr. Forsythe-Brown's section of the SOC 350 course

Finding Statistical Data

Government Data - Michigan

Data Driven Detroit: houses a comprehensive data system that includes current and historic demographic, socioeconomic, educational, environmental, and other indicators.

SEMCOG Data and Maps (Southeast Michigan Council of Governments): includes information on demographics, socio-economics, housing, land use, and transportation related data.

Other Sources for Government Data

Policy Map (library database): a geographic information system (GIS) used to understand U.S. communities. Included in the tool is access to PolicyMap's extensive data collection, with over 15,000 indicators used to understand communities.

  • These indicators are organized into general categories including demographics, income and spending, housing, lending activity, quality of life, economy, education, health, federal guidelines, and other analysis.
  • For help, see their tutorials and FAQs on their Help page
  • VPN is needed to access this database from off-campus: follow the VPN Setup instructions on the Online Library Access page.

US Census:  the leading source of quality data about American people and communities

  • American Community Survey (ACS): an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly basis about our nation and its people, including demographics, housing, economic, and social data
  • Profiles: Get an overview of your state, county, or place all in one location with their geo-profile pages.
    • Provides high-level statistics about your area regarding people and population, race and ethnicity, families and living arrangements, health, education, business and economy, employment, housing, and income and poverty.
    • Try searching for your hometown to see what data they have, and don’t forget to share or embed the maps and charts.
  • Topics include income & poverty, business, economy, education, employment, health, housing, population

Statistical Data, Analyses, and Policy Reports

Center on Budget & Policy Priorities: a non-partisan think tank that conducts research and analysis to design and advance policies that promote economic justice.

Economic Policy Institute: a non-partisan think tank that conducts research and analysis on the economic status of working Americans and proposes public policies to protect and improve the economic conditions of low- and middle-income workers

Institute for Women's Policy Research: compiles data across a variety of topics and analyzes it through a gendered lens.

  • Use the search box at the top right of the home page to search for your topic 
  • Go to the Publications page to browse through or search their fact sheets and research briefings
    • Use the search box above the list of publications to find your topic

PEW Research Centera nonpartisan think tank that informs the public about issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. 

  • Go to the Economy & Work category under Research Topics to browse a list of categorized topics related to poverty and inequality 
  • Use the search box at the top right of the home page to search for your topic

Poverty USA: an educational resource to help individuals and communities address the root causes of poverty in America

  • Go to the Maps & Data page for statistical data and analyses at federal, state, and county levelss
  • Go to the Poverty Facts page for a statistical and demographic breakdown of poverty in the US

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Enforcement Commission: includes information about employment discrimination laws and regulations as well as fact sheets about types of discrimination that include data and statistics.

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    Dearborn, MI 48128, USA
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