Government Data - Michigan
Data Driven Detroit: houses a comprehensive data system that includes current and historic demographic, socioeconomic, educational, environmental, and other indicators.
SEMCOG Data and Maps (Southeast Michigan Council of Governments): includes information on demographics, socio-economics, housing, land use, and transportation related data.
Other Sources for Government Data
Policy Map (library database): a geographic information system (GIS) used to understand U.S. communities. Included in the tool is access to PolicyMap's extensive data collection, with over 15,000 indicators used to understand communities.
US Census: the leading source of quality data about American people and communities
Statistical Data, Analyses, and Policy Reports
Center on Budget & Policy Priorities: a non-partisan think tank that conducts research and analysis to design and advance policies that promote economic justice.
Economic Policy Institute: a non-partisan think tank that conducts research and analysis on the economic status of working Americans and proposes public policies to protect and improve the economic conditions of low- and middle-income workers
Institute for Women's Policy Research: compiles data across a variety of topics and analyzes it through a gendered lens.
PEW Research Center: a nonpartisan think tank that informs the public about issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.
Poverty USA: an educational resource to help individuals and communities address the root causes of poverty in America
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Enforcement Commission: includes information about employment discrimination laws and regulations as well as fact sheets about types of discrimination that include data and statistics.