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ENT 400 - Entrepreneurial Thinking & Behavior

Winter 2023 - Prof. Davis

Finding Databases to Research your Need Area

An important first step of your team project will be identifying an area of need and successfully demonstrating that need by finding and citing relevant sources.

The databases below are a good place to start looking for those sources. Additional databases can be found on the Mardigian Library website's A-Z database list

  • Data USA: Comprehensive web site and visualization engine of public US government data. Sources include the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), and the American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files produced by the Census Bureau.
  • PolicyMap: PolicyMap is a geographic information system (GIS) used to understand U.S. communities. It includes access to an extensive collection of data which can be used to better understand communities. 
  • United States Census Data: Access data from the US Census, searchable by topic and sortable by a variety of limiters including type, location, and year. 
  • Data Driven Detroit: Includes current and historic demographic, socioeconomic, educational, and environmental data for the Detroit area.
  • Data-Planet Statistical Datasets: Statistical information from US federal agencies, private companies, and intergovernmental organizations. Create maps and reports from data you select from over 640 datasets. Over a dozen subject categories include “Food & Agriculture” and “Transportation & Travel”. The former has charts such as, “Food Availability per Capita”.
  • USDA Data Products: Reports compiled and released by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Economic Research Service. Available reports include information on food prices, food deserts, and nutrition-related health. 
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