Each engineering team will be given a rover chassis. Your charge is to redesign the wheels in order to endure the "Martian Terrain".
See this link for a quick explanation of the wheel damage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQHRAJBSOVc).
Each team will compete to represent the class at the end of the semester and at the Maker Faire (https://detroit.makerfaire.com).
The challenge
Students will build an Arduino based rover as a means to design and test wheels that achieve traction on a simulated Mars surface. The vehicle will be placed in multiple test beds switched on and with the front wheels. A successful solution will have the fastest time and the least amount of wheel damage. Bonus points will be awarded for any design that can also climb the most challenging text bed terrain. Each team will receive the same chasis.
Performance expectations
Students will provide evidence of their understanding of the engineering design process by evaluating design solutions and determining how well their designs meet the constraints of the problem. Students will design studies to test their vehicle and the slected design must have gone through 2 design iterations. For this project, the teams are not required to design the hub but can use the existing up or create your own. The tire must be designed from at least 2 different materials. Your selected design must have gone through 2 iterations before competition in lab.
Constraints: Limits of the design due to available resources and environment
Criteria: Design requirements (typically instructor or client driven)
Challenge rules
Adopted from NASA Engineering Design Challenge