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Natural Sciences Open Educational Resources

Environmental Science Open Educational Resources

Allosso D. 2019. American Environmental History. Minnesota Libraries Publishing Project.

For too long the environment has been considered little more than a neutral background to history. This text surveys findings of the new field of Environmental History about how the environment of the Americas influenced the actions of people here and how people affected their environments, from prehistory to the present.


Granshaw F. 2021. Climate Toolkit: Resource Manual for Climate Science and Action, ver. 2.0. Portland (OR): Portland State University.

The Climate Toolkit is a resource manual designed to help the reader navigate the complex and perplexing issue of climate change by providing tools and strategies to explore the underlying science. As such it contains a collection of activities that make use of readily available on-line resources developed by research groups and public agencies. These include web-based climate models, climate data archives, interactive atlases, policy papers, and “solution” catalogs. Unlike a standard textbook, it is designed to help readers do their own climate research and devise their own perspective rather than providing them with a script to assimilate and repeat.


Cheung W. 2020. Earth, Space, and Environmental Science with ArcGIS Pro, 2nd ed.

I wrote this book to not only introduce students to the tools in ArcGIS Pro, but also to provide a glimpse into some of the topics that may be covered in an introductory course in Geography, Environmental Science, or related disciplines. I aimed to achieve a balance of technical instruction and information about Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences, to make this publication helpful for new GIS learners, as well as students who may be interested in learning about the applications of GIS in the Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences.


Doršner, EP. 2023. Essentials of Environmental Science. Pensacola (FL): University of Florida Pressbooks.

The Biodiversity Heritage Library improves research methodology by collaboratively making biodiversity literature openly ava



Gessler TB. 2024. Experiences in Biodiversity: A Field Course. Ames (IA): Iowa State University Digital Press.

This handbook was developed to support the course, Experiences in Biodiversity Research. This course is intended to provide early undergraduates with experience in the practice of biodiversity research and to demystify the path to careers in this field.



Schmittner A. 2017. Introduction to Climate Science. Corvallis (OR): Oregon State University.

Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability is a college-level Open Educational Resource (OER) that focuses on the most relevant environmental science issues and addresses ways to incorporate sustainable practices. This resource is targeted at environmental science students.



Zehnder C. Manoylov K, Mutiti S, Mutiti C, VandeVoort A, Bennett, D. 2018. Introduction to Environmental Science, 2nd ed. Milledgeville (GA): Georgia College & State University.

This course uses the basic principles of biology and earth science as a context for understanding environmental policies and resource management practices. Our planet is facing unprecedented environmental challenges, from oil spills to global climate change. In ENSC 1000, you will learn about the science behind these problems; preparing you to make an informed, invaluable contribution to Earth’s future. I hope that each of you is engaged by the material presented and participates fully in the search for, acquisition of, and sharing of information within our class.


Harris, EP. 2023. Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability. Pensacola (FL): University of Florida Pressbooks.

Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability is a college-level Open Educational Resource (OER) that focuses on the most relevant environmental science issues and addresses ways to incorporate sustainable practices. This resource is targeted at environmental science students.



Theis, T & Tomkin, J, eds. 2015. Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation. Houston (TX): Openstax CNX.

With Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation, first and second-year college students are introduced to this expanding new field, comprehensively exploring the essential concepts from every branch of knowledge – including engineering and the applied arts, natural and social sciences, and the humanities. As sustainability is a multi-disciplinary area of study, the text is the product of multiple authors drawn from the diverse faculty of the University of Illinois: each chapter is written by a recognized expert in the field.

This text is designed to introduce the reader to the essential concepts of sustainability. This subject is of vital importance seeking as it does to uncover the principles of the long-term welfare of all the peoples of the planet but is only peripherally served by existing college textbooks.

The content is intended to be useful for both a broad-based introductory class on sustainability and as a useful supplement to specialist courses which wish to review the sustainability dimensions of their areas of study. By covering a wide range of topics with a uniformity of style, and by including glossaries, review questions, case studies, and links to further resources, the text has sufficient range to perform as the core resource for a semester course. Students who cover the material in the book will be conversant in the language and concepts of sustainability, and will be equipped for further study in sustainable planning, policy, economics, climate, ecology, infrastructure, and more.

Furthermore, the modular design allows individual chapters and sections to be easily appropriated without the purchase of a whole new text. This allows educators to easily bring sustainability concepts, references, and case studies into their area of study.

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