1. How do I search for my topic?
- Identify the keywords of your topic and use those as your search words
- Each article has tags assigned to it, words or shorts phrases that make them searchable - you want your search words to match those tags
- Words like factors, effects, issues, relationships are usually not used as tags - don't include them as search words
2. How do I focus the search hits to news sources?
- Use the options under Refine Your Search to focus your search hits
- News Sources:
- Click on Newspaper articles under Content Type
- Click on Magazine articles under Content Type
- Current Events:
- Click on Last 12 Months under Publication Date
- Click on the Calendar icons under Publication Date and set the start date to two months previous, i.e. a date in April 2018
3. I have a lot of irrelevant articles in my list of search hits. How do I focus them to my research areas?
- Use the options under Refine Your Search to focus your search hits
- To articles in your discipline(s) of study:
- Under Discipline, click on More... to open a list of all Disciplines
- Click on your discipline(s), i.e. Sociology, Women's Studies
- Scroll to the top of the list of Disciplines and click on Apply
- To focus to sources dealing with gender or to your interest areas:
- Under Subject Terms, click on More... to open a list of all Subject Terms
- Click on the subjects that interest you to add them to your search, i.e. gender equality, policy
- Scroll to the top of the list of Subject Terms and click on Apply
- When you find an article that looks interesting, look at its assigned tags (words)
- Add any relevant tags (words) to your search