Despite the many restrictions on campus for the Fall of 2020, the library collections of physical resources will be available in a limited capacity. If a student needs to check out a resource, they should place a hold on that resource in the library catalog. They will then be contacted by the library to make an appointment to pick up the resource. Click HERE to make an appointment to check-out a book.
Coulson, William D. E. 1975. An annotated bibliography of Greek and Roman Art, Architecture,
and Archaeology. New York : Garland Pub.
N5610.Z9 C68
Gazda, Elaine K. 1991. Roman art in the private sphere : new perspectives on the
architecture and decor of the domus, villa, and insula. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press.
N5760 .R66 1991
Birley, Anthony. 1978. Lives of the Later Caesars: the first part of the Augustan
history : with newly compiled Lives of Nerva and Trajan. Hammondsworth: Penguin Books.
Armenian Research Center DG274 .S32 CALL 593-5181
Lancaster, Lynne C. 2005. Concrete vaulted construction in Imperial Rome : innovations in
context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005
TH16 .L364 2005
MacDonald, William L. 1982. The architecture of the Roman Empire. New Haven : Yale University Press.
NA310 .M2 1982
Rousselle, Aline.1993. Porneia: on desire and the body in antiquity . Cambridge, MA : Blackwell.
HQ13 .R68 1993
Holloway, R. Ross. 1996. The archaeology of early Rome and Latium. London ; New York : Routledge
DG63 .H57 1996
Claridge, Amanda. 1998. Rome : an Oxford archaeological guide.Oxford : Oxford University Press.
DG62 .C53 1998
Lefkowitz, Mary & Fant, Maureen B. 1982. Women's life in Greece and Rome .Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Pres.
HQ1127 .W653 1982
Hales, Shelley. 2003. The Roman house and social identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
NA324 .H35 2003
Plant, I.M. 2004. Women writers of ancient Greece and Rome : an anthology. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press.
PA3621 .W66 2004
Clarke, John R.1991. The houses of Roman Italy, 100 B.C.-A.D. 250 : ritual, space, and
decoration. Berkeley : University of California Press.
NA324 .C57 1991
Olson,Kelly. Dress and the Roman woman : self-presentation and society. New York : Routledge.
GT555 .O45 2008
Hackworth, Lauren & Salzman-Mitchell, Patricia. 2012. Mothering and motherhood in ancient Greece and Rome. Austin : University of Texas Press.
HQ759 .M8786 2012
Gardner, Jane F. 1986. Women in Roman law & society. Bloomington : Indiana University Press.
KBD.G22 1986
Barton, Ian M. 1996. Roman Domestic Buildings. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, c1996.
NA310 .R65 1996
Suetonius. 1979. De vita Caesarum. New York: Penguin.
DG277 .S83 1979
DeLaine, Janet. 1997. The baths of Caracalla : a study in the design, construction, and
economics of large-scale building projects in imperial Rome . Portsmouth, R.I. : Journal of Roman Archaeology
NA317 .D45 1997
Boatwright, Mary Taliaferro. 2004. The Romans : from village to empire. New York : Oxford University Press.
DG209 .B58 2004
Stambaugh, John E.1989. The ancient Roman city. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
HT114 .S7 1989
Wiseman, T. P. 2004. The myths of Rome. Exeter : University of Exeter Press.
BL803 .W57 2004
Kleiner, Diana E.E. & Matheson, Susan 1996. I, Claudia : women in ancient Rome. New Haven, Ct. : Yale University Art Gallery.
N5763 I25 1996
Allan, Tony. 2005. Life, myth, and art in Ancient Rome. Los Angeles, CA : J. Paul Getty Museum.
DG77 .A52 2005
Green, Bernard. 2010. Christianity in ancient Rome : the first three centuries. London ; New York : T & T Clark.
BR165 .G74 2010
Coulston, Jon & Dodge, Hazel. 2000. Ancient Rome : the archaeology of the eternal city. Oxford : Oxford University School of Archaeology.
DG63 .A57 2000
Hope, Valerie M. 2009. Roman death : the dying and the dead in ancient Rome. New York : Continuum.
HQ1073.5.R66 H68 2009
Mackay, Christopher S.2004. Ancient Rome : a military and political history . Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press.
DG231 .M33 2004
Kleiner, E.E. & Matheson, Susan B. 2000. I, Claudia II : women in Roman art and society. Austin : University of Texas Press.
N5763 .I253 2000
Galinsky, Karl. 2005. The Cambridge companion to the Age of Augustus. Cambridge University Press.
DG279 .C35 2005
Evans, Jane DeRose. 1992. The art of persuasion : political propaganda from Aeneas to
Brutus. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press.
DG82 .E92 1992
Galinsky, Karl. 1996. Augustan culture : an interpretive introduction. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press.
DG279 .G17 1996
Castriota, David. 1995. The Ara Pacis Augustae and the imagery of abundance in later
Greek and early Roman imperial art .Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press.
NB133 .C37 1995
Favro, Diane G. 1996. The urban image of Augustan Rome. New York : Cambridge University Press.
DG69 .F38 1996
Zanker, Paul. 1988. The power of images in the Age of Augustus. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press.
N5760 .Z36 1990
Shelton, Jo-Ann.1998. As the Romans did : a sourcebook in Roman social history. New York : Oxford University Press.
HN10.R7 S45 1998
Walker, Susan & Bierbrier, Morris. 1997. Ancient faces : mummy portraits from Roman Egypt. London :British Museum Press.
N7582 .A63 1997
Gazda, Elaine K. 2002. The ancient art of emulation : studies in artistic originality
and tradition from the present to classical antiquity. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan Press.
N8580 .A53 2002