Did you know you could get access to books, articles, DVDs, and more outside of our library? You can select the check box "Add results beyond your library's collection" when searching in Mardigian Search.
Or you can select "Include results from outside your library's collection" when in the Advanced Search.
By selecting these check boxes you're able to see results from other library's that you're able to get access to through MeLCat and ILL (Interlibrary Loan). MeLCat and ILL are incredibly helpful ways to get access to books, journal articles, and other library related material outside of the Mardigian Library's collection. See a further description of how to order material through them below!
MeLCat allows you to request books & audio/visual materials from participating academic, public, and school libraries in Michigan and have them sent directly to the Mardigian Library!
Steps for Ordering MeLCat Books and Other Items
Interlibrary Loan is for requesting:
These will then be delivered right to the Mardigian Library or your email address!
Here's how it works:
"Get This" is a service of the University Libraries in Ann Arbor. Current UM-Dearborn students, faculty and staff can request items from the UM-Ann Arbor and UM-Flint libraries, and have them delivered to the Dearborn library by using the MLibrary catalog.
Complete instructions and some Frequently Asked Questions can be found on the Mardigian Library's website. For additional questions about "Get This," please contact the Circulation Desk at Hatcher Library at (734) 764-0401, by emailing glcirc@umich.edu, or chatting with UM-Ann Arbor library staff at https://lib.umich.edu/ask.