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FNDS 1607: Real Housewives of Crime

Additional Resources

Some courses are going to require you to only use scholarly and peer reviewed resources for your assignments. It's important to know what the requirements are for a course assignment before you get started. However, scholarly and peer reviewed sources are not the only credible sources. Primary sources and first hand accounts can provide an important point of view as well! In particular media will be beneficial to your understanding of this course. Please check out the resources below for searching through our news media resources!

Contemporary News Sources

The following databases provide access to up to date news from US and International News Outlets. For more information, check out the News and News Sources Subject Guide.

Access World News includes the full text of hundreds of U.S. and foreign newspapers and news sources:

  • Michigan magazines, newspapers, and college/university newspapers such as The Arab American NewsCrain's Detroit BusinessThe Detroit NewsThe Michigan Chronicle, and The Michigan Journal.
  • U.S.A. newspapers and news sources, both small and large. For example, these large newspapers are included: Houston ChronicleThe New York Daily NewsThe Philadelphia InquirerSan Diego Union-Tribune, and StarTribune (Minneapolis/St. Paul.
  • International newspapers and news sources are also included, such as Addis Fortune (Ethiopia), Deutsche Press-Agentur (Germany); El Universal (Mexico), Global Times (China), Herald Sun (Australia), and O Globo (Brazil).
  • American newsmagazines such as The AtlanticMother JonesThe New RepublicNewsweek, and Slate are included.

Alt-PressWatch showcases unique, independent voices from around 140 grassroots newspapers, magazines, and journals — big stories from small sources. Coverage of the news for those seeking an alternative to mainstream, corporate-controlled media. Examples of sources included: CommonwealEarth Island JournalFifth EstateThe Independent ReviewMother Earth NewsMother JonesRolling Stone, and Skeptic.

Global Newsstream provides full text from over 1,000 newspapers and newswire services from around the world, but predominantly the U.K. and the U.S. Includes access to U.S. newspapers in ProQuest US Newsstream as well as international news sources such as The Daily Mirror (United Kingdom), El Norte (Mexico), La Monde (France), The Star (South Aftica), Sunday News (New Zealand), Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), The Times of IndiaThe Windsor Star (Canada). Die Welt (Germany), and much more.

PBS NewsHour was the nation's first hour-long nightly broadcast of national news and has received virtually every significant award for quality television and outstanding journalism. PBS NewsHour includes full episodes of shows, podcasts, and transcripts as far back as 1996.

POLITICO Pro is a current news resource covering the U.S. government and politics. Content consists of articles, documents (including Congressional Dear Colleague Letters), and infographics.

US Newsstream includes up-to-date news from more than 400 news sources, including blogs, magazines, newspapers, podcasts, trade journals, websites, and wire services. Includes access to such top newspapers as Boston GlobeChicago TribuneLos Angeles TimesThe New York TimesNewsdayWall Street Journal, and Washington Post. Also includes 90 Gannett newspapers from around the United States including: Arizona RepublicCincinnati EnquirerCourier-Journal (Louisville, Ky.), Des Moines RegisterDetroit Free PressIndianapolis StarLansing State JournalMadison Capital Times (Wisconsin), Muslim Journal (Chicago), The Tenneseean, and Wisconsin State Journal.

Historical Newspapers

The following databases provide access to historical news sources from around the world. For more information, check out the News and News Sources Subject Guide.

General Historical News Databases

  • Accessible Archives - Historic American magazines and newspapers from the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • Early American Newspapers, 1690-1922 - Reproductions of hundreds of historic newspapers, providing more than one million pages as fully text-searchable facsimile images.
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers - More than 2 dozen premier historical newspapers, every issue of which includes the complete paper, cover-to-cover, with full-page and article images in PDF. These historical newspaper pages include articles, photos, advertisements, classified ads, obituaries, editorial cartoons, and so much more. Dates range as far back as 1791 (The Guardian and The Observer) and as recent as 2015 (The New York Times) . Also includes ProQuest Historical Black Newspapers, which includes several newspapers that cover the time period from 1893 (The Baltimore Afro-American) to 2005 (Los Angeles Sentinel).

Specific Historical News Databases

Recommended Communication & Media Databases

Communication & Mass Media Complete - Incorporates CommSearch (formerly produced by the National Communication Association) and Mass Media Articles Index (formerly produced by Penn State) along with numerous other journals. Coverage of more than 570 journals in the communication and mass media fields, with full-text for more than 450 journals. For significant titles in the field, coverage goes back to their very first issue (as far back as 1915).

Gallup Analytics - Gallup Analytics is an online platform for public opinion data aggregated through the Gallup World Poll, which annually collects opinions on issues from approximately 160 countries on topics including: economics, well-being, employment, religion, freedom of media, government and politics. (NOTE: You must be on campus or on the University VPN in order to access this resource)

General Reference Center Gold - Articles from magazines, journals, and encyclopedias on a wide range of topics.
International Encyclopedia of Communication - The International Encyclopedia of Communication covers the breadth of communication studies, including coverage of theories, media and communication phenomena, research methods, problems, concepts, and geographical areas. It also covers such interdisciplinary areas as communication theory and philosophy, interpersonal communication, journalism, intercultural and intergroup communication, media effects, strategic communication/PR, communication and media law and policy, media systems in the world, and communication and technology.


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