Below are a list of suggested databases to begin conducting market research.
Statista: Provides curated reports that include extensive statistical data on over 600 industries. The statistics and studies are gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources, and data is shared in a variety of easy-to-understand formats such as charts and infographics.
Passport: Extensive industry, demographic, consumer, and economic data for many countries worldwide. Includes forecast data to 2023, market data for 330 consumer products in 49 countries, approximately 100,000 brands, and market analysis reports.
- Passport can be especially helpful if you're interested in the companies and/or markets outside of the United States
eMarketer: Provides market research information about the Internet, e-business, online marketing, and emerging technologies, aggregated from more than 1,700 sources. Includes analyst reports, daily research articles, and e-business and online marketing statistics.