America's Health Rankings: search for state rankings, state health statistic overviews, and various health measures by state
City of Detroit Health Department: Includes annual reports and health data for the Detroit population
County Health Rankings: includes county data on health rankings, health factors, clinical care, social and economic factors, and physical environment
Data USA CIty Profiles (MIT): consolidates data from a variety of US government databases into city profiles which include health and safety, housing and living, economic, demographic, and education data
Health Statistics (US Census Bureau): statistics on the prevalence of disability and fertility, the percentages of people with and without health insurance—even down to the county level through Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE), and the expenses and investments made by health care establishments
Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Surveys: annual, state-level telephone surveys of Michigan residents, aged 18 years and olde, which act as the only source of state-specific, population-based estimates of the prevalence of various behaviors, medical conditions, and preventive health care practices among Michigan adults
National Health Care Statistics (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention): designed to answer key questions of interest to health care policy makers, public health professionals, and researchers, including factors that influence the use of health care resources, the quality of health care, including safety, and disparities in health care services provided to population subgroups in the United States
State Health Facts (Kaiser Family Foundation): Provides free, up-to-date, and easy-to-use health data on more than 800 health indicators for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the United States, counties, and territories
State Snapshots (Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health): national and state-level profiles on health-care system quality and performance, health status and disparities in child health across populations, and specific health problems and conditions
Kaiser Family Foundation: focused on national health issues, includes reports on health policy and health disparities
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Health Care Research and Publications
Commonwealth Fund: independent research on health care issues to improve health care practice and policy
American College of Physicians: ACP reports on health care issues