Dr. Dolins' Guidelines & Instructions
Use a format exactly like the one for the Sigma Xi Ethics Symposium booklet (see Canvas files) to present your symposium that will both appeal to scientists and also educated general public.
For the presentations, provide a paper copy of your symposium booklet to each group and Dr. Dolins.
Each student in the group should upload the final PowerPoint and electronic version of the booklet to Canvas for a grade.
Write as clearly as possible, don't use jargon, and explain any technical terms. Use references and in-text citations to support all of your statements and justify your choices.
Each group will present their symposium: 15 minutes for the presentation and 3-4 minutes for Q&A. Do NOT go over time.
Be prepared to ask and answer questions, which is an important part of the presentation and the class.
Grading Rubric
See Dr. Dolins' Grading Rubric below for more details about how she will evaluate and grade your symposiums.