1. One Search option:
On the library home page, locate this search box:
One Search will locate information on all items available from the library - articles, books and more
2. Locate specific journals, magazines, newspapers - Find the Journals tab
A. This will take you to :
B. Type in your journal title
C. The library has access to over 20,000 publications in the full-text format, so chances are your title is available. If not, you can order articles using Interlibrary loan (ILL)
3. Locate an article - Go to Databases
A. Find your database by subject
B. If you know the name of your database, go to the Find Databases by Name list
4. Locate books only - go to the Library Catalog
A. Find both print and e-books in the library's collection for checkout/download
For items not available at the library - Use Interlibrary loan (ILL) or MeLCat
Find the Services tab on the library homepage