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POL 201

This guide supports the reseach assignment associated with POL 201


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Chris Spilker
Christopher Spilker, MLIS
Head, Library Research Center
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Mardigian Library
ML 1260
4901 Evergreen Road, Dearborn, MI 48128-2406


This guide is meant to collect a sampling of resources to support the research paper assigned for POL: 201. It include links to journals, ebooks, and databases relevant to the assignment. As always, you will have to do some searching in order to find resources relevant to your specific topic.

Mardigian Search

Advanced Search


Typically, art historical research can be separated into two categories: Primary and Secondary. It is important to understand the differences between the two types of resources.

A Primary Source is Defined As: Documents/materials produced by people in the period and culture under consideration. These sources provide the evidence on which historians rely in order to interpret the work and its significance in the time and place of its creation.  Some primary sources are written documents, such as letters; speeches; biographies; official decrees, religious texts, legal records, economic and trade records. In addition, art historians often examine primary sources such as archaeological remains.

A Secondary Source is Defined As: A resource that discusses a previously created artwork or monument or prior period/event from an academic or research or layperson perspective.  The key here is that the resource is from some time after the event.  An example of this would be a book about Political Science or an article in a journal publication discussing the significance of the 2016 election. A book will NOT typically be a primary source unless it is a compilation of letters or diary entries or documents.  

Primary vs. Secondary Source: Often times determining whether something is primary or secondary may depend on the question that is being asked. For instance, if a researcher is researching the issues around liberal ideology and reads a book on that topic published in the 1800's, that book may be determined to be primary, but a contemporary book on the same topic would be secondary. 


How to Start Your Search

These tips are specific for our general search, however, you can apply these same keyword search strategies to anywhere you do research. In the Summon search box above, type in keywords to get you started.

Keyword Searches

  • Keywords are the important themes and words you're interested in researching. You can use the index of a book to find terms that would be good keywords for searches.
  • Try getting inspiration from tags on your initial search results. These are words or phrases that the author/publisher/editor have determined to be major themes or concepts in the piece. Search algorithms match your initial keyword searches with these tags.
  • Don't use filler words like effect, impact, role, or connection as these will muck up the search.
  • When studying art you need to think interdisciplinarily. Ancient art exists in a network of entities and contexts. Think about who commissioned the artwork, who created it (if known), and the historical, political, religious, and other contexts in the time of origin AND in later interpretation.
  • Think of WhoWhatWhenWhereWhy, and How when picking your keywords
  • You may have to look for synonyms or variations to your original keyword search.
  • For example, if you're doing research question is "How do religious ideas show up in Roman art?", your keywords to start with are Religion and Roman Art rather than typing in your whole research question.

More Specific Search and ​Boolean Operators

  • In order to have Roman Art appear as one phrase you will need to add quotations around it (So your search will be [“Roman Art"]
  • While this will give me results for those specific phrases, it won't give me them for both of them together. In order to have both phrases appear together I need to use the boolean operator and. My new search would e ["Religion" and "Roman Art"]. Now I will have results for both Religion and Roman Art.
  • If I wanted just Religion to appear in my search and not Roman Art I would search for ["Religion" not "Roman Art"]. The not indicates that I do not want the following phrase of Egyptian Art.
  • If I wanted either results for "Religion" or "Roman Art" I would use the following search ["Religion" or "Roman Art"]

Select Content Type

  • Choose what format you'd prefer
    • Examples: Book/eBook, Journal Article, Magazine Article, Streaming Video, Web Resources, ...
  • If you don't have a preference you can always leave all of the results in and continue to narrow down by the suggestions below

​​Filter Your Search Results

  • In Summon, use Refine Your Search on the left hand side
  • Select Disciplines and Subjects that interest you
    • Example of Disciplines: classical studies, anthropology, religious studies, art history, history, political science, near eastern studies, social sciences, ...
    • Example of Subjects: architecture, sculpture, History--Rome, imperialism - Roman, Roman art….
  • Select the publication date you find most useful by moving the yellow slide scale

Refine Your Search

  • Continue to narrow down your results by changing the Discipline and Subjects selected.
  • Change your keyword search as you go. You will find as you do your research that your initial research question may change and become more specific to narrow down your focus. For the example above, "How do religious ideas show up in Roman art?", you may change this to "How are religious themes represented in the Augustan period in Rome?" You may then change your keyword search to ["Religion" and "Roman Art" and Augustus].

Off-Campus Access

When you are off campus, you will be prompted to login to the library's databases with your UM-Dearborn uniquename and your Kerberos password (that you use for your UM-Dearborn email). UM-Dearborn students, faculty, and staff are no longer required to create or use a Library PIN to access their library accounts or the library's online resources.

Go to the Contact the Library page if you have any issues or problems with accessing the library's databases, journals, ebooks, streaming videos, or library accounts. 

On-Campus Access

There are three (3) Wi-Fi networks on UM-Dearborn campus. Make sure you're connected to the UMD-Secure wireless network. It is the only one that allows you to connect to online library resources without looking like you're off-campus. There are two ways to access to the UMD-Secure wireless network: 

To connect to UMD-Secure on your Chromebook, follow the instructions on the Connecting Chromebooks to UMD-Secure handout.



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    Dearborn, MI 48128, USA
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