The Secret Study Room
Estimated Time to Complete: approximately 20 minutes
Primary Goal: to explore services and resources available both in person and virtually through the Mardigian Library
Topics Introduced:
Short URL to enter the Escape Room:
Lost at Orientation
Estimated Time to Complete: 20-35 minutes
Primary Goal: To introduce the various offices and services that are part of Experience+
Topics Introduced:
Short URL to enter the Escape Room:
Yes! We would love for you to use this with your class! Feel free to include any or all of these links, in any way you would like to use them.
We include the option for individuals to request a copy of their answers at the conclusion of the adventure. These answers will be emailed to them, and can serve as proof of completion.
You can reach out to the library for more information about the escape rooms. If you have library-specific questions, you can contact one of our subject librarians, or stop by the Library Info Desk if you're on campus. If you're not sure which librarian to contact, you can try consulting this list of librarians and subject areas. You can contact the library using any of our contact options, and we'll get you connected to someone that can answer your questions!
Librarians Turned Google Forms into the Unlikely Platform for Virtual Escape Rooms - Article
Create an Interactive Escape through Different Platforms - Video
How to Plan an Escape Room - WikiHow