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College of Business Faculty: Library Services and Research Help

for faculty in the College of Business

Create links to share that will work off campus

How do I create links to journal articles, streaming videos, and ebooks that will work off-campus?

Your Canvas links to journal articles, ebooks, and streaming videos need to include UMD library authentication in the URL for them to be accessible off-campus (students will be prompted to login with their UM-Dearborn uniquename and their Kerberos password - see the accessing online resources page for more info).

You can convert links using the Off Campus Link Tool page on the library website or by using the converter box below:

Make sure that the links you are converting are stable links.

For journals, articles, and ebooks, the URL in the address bar of your browser is often a temporary URL, not a stable link. To locate a stable link:

  • Search the web page of the article or e-book for a stable URL
  • Look for a chain link icon or "permalink" option

The Off Campus Link Tool page has additional information about locating stable links in specific databases.


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