IBISWorld: Industry market research reports include information such as major industry changes and growth trends. Also available are company profiles that include SWOT analyses and market share concentration.
- NOTE: To access all of IBISWorld, click "log in" in the upper right corner from the database landing page
Statista: Provides curated reports that include extensive statistical data on over 600 industries. The statistics and studies are gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources, and data is shared in a variety of easy-to-understand formats such as charts and infographics.
Business Insights Global: Provides in-depth information on U.S. and international businesses, industries, and products. Resources include competitive intelligence, market share information and product trends, market-industry information and analysis, and country-based industry reports.
FitchConnect: Use the "advanced search" capabilities. Type search terms into the search box and limit them to the "title and first paragraph" fields. For example, construction industry united states.