Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community EngagementThe Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement (CSCCE) is a research and training center to support and study the emerging field of scientific community engagement.
Scientific community engagement, also known as community management, refers to the human infrastructure that is necessary to support healthy and productive STEM communities. These roles include a range of job titles – from community manager, program manager, and network engagement manager to assistant director of a research center. In all cases, the purpose of community engagement is to connect and empower members to work together towards a common goal (Website)
Coalition for Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU)The Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities is dedicated to its member institutions and to the creation and dissemination of knowledge on the issues that face our urban and metropolitan campuses and the communities we serve. CUMU’s mission ensures sustained attention to the exchange of information and ideas among member institutions about higher education’s role in urban and metropolitan settings, engenders a unified approach to the resolution of common challenges, and develops a clearer understanding within the higher education community and among public policy makers and the public about the distinctive roles played by urban and metropolitan institutions.
CUMU’s objectives are achieved through strategies, programs, and activities that support research and information exchange, institutional engagement and service, and public information and advocacy.
College Civic Learning..."Working with civic-minded faculty, staff, and institutional leaders, the CLDE Coalition is accelerating the spread of college civic learning, providing evidence on “what works,” and building educational and policy leadership for the movement." (from the website)
Engaged Scholarship ConsortiumThe Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization, is composed of higher education member institutions, a mix of public and private colleges and universities. Our goal is to work collaboratively to build strong university-community partnerships anchored in the rigor of scholarship and designed to help build community capacity.
The ESC traces its origins back to 2001 when Pennsylvania State University, Ohio State University, and the University of Wisconsin-Extension initiated an annual meeting to share knowledge about their community-based programs (the National Outreach Scholarship Conference). Since then, recognizing that multi-institutional efforts could help catalyze some of the changes they wanted for their own institutions, the three began formalizing their relationship and then began inviting other institutions to join them. The ESC has now articulated a broad scholarly agenda that includes:
Researching and studying the scholarship of engagement throughout the world.
Facilitating international cooperation among individuals interested in promoting conditions that bring about engaged scholarship as a criterion influencing higher education faculty performance evaluations.
Encouraging the realization that the scholarship of engagement is a critical aspect of university responsibility.
Promoting education, research, and study of the effects of engaged scholarship on community-campus partnerships.
Promoting research and study of the impacts of community-campus partnerships.
Conducting national and international meetings, workshops, institutes, symposia, conferences, and congresses.
Disseminating research (original, basic, and applied) from a wide variety of disciplines on the impact of campus-community partnerships.
Discussing and sharing questions, problems, issues, information, and theories regarding campus-community partnerships.
Advancing the study of campus-community partnerships and educating the public on effective programs for community change.
Publishing and communicating, through print and electronic media, the proceedings (including abstracts and scientific papers) from workshops, institutes, symposia, conferences, and congresses.
Publishing and disseminating, through print and electronic media, research on the scholarship of engagement through newsletters, books, monographs, reports, studies, and periodicals. These will be made available in any language.
International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community EngagementIARSLCE is an international nonprofit membership organization devoted to promoting research and discussion about service-learning and community engagement. It organizes and sponsors the annual International Research Conference on Service-Learning and Community Engagement.
International Institute for Restorative PracticesAll humans are hardwired to connect. Just as we need food, shelter and clothing, human beings also need strong and meaningful relationships to thrive.
Restorative practices is a field within the social sciences that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities.
Though newer to the social sciences, restorative practices has deep roots within indigenous communities throughout the world