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Research Resources for Education, Health & Human Services (CEHHS)

This comprehensive guide serves all students enrolled in courses offered in the College of Education, Health & Human Services (CEHHS) and serves as the starting point for research skills support and recommended resources in general, as well as for specifi

An Introduction to the Literature Review

This brief 10-minute video explains what a literature review is, and techniques for getting started. (It's just a good resource for anyone doing a literature review, even if they aren't a graduate student.)

Handout summarizing the Lit Review

Synthesis Matrix for comparing and contrasting ideas/theories

A synthesis matrix helps you record the main points of each source and document how sources relate to each other.  After summarizing and evaluating your sources, arrange them in a matrix to help you see how they relate to each other, and apply to each of your themes or variables.  By arranging your sources in a matrix by theme or variable, you can see how your sources relate to each other, and can start thinking about how you weave them together to create a narrative.

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