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Research Resources for Education, Health & Human Services (CEHHS)

This comprehensive guide serves all students enrolled in courses offered in the College of Education, Health & Human Services (CEHHS) and serves as the starting point for research skills support and recommended resources in general, as well as for specifi

Recommended Library Databases for finding Statistical Information

You can find a full listing of all of our databases for Statistical Information on our Databases Page, but here are a few of our top recommendations: 

Finding Health Data & Statistics

NOTE: Access to some federal data has been impacted by the current Presidential administration. If you are experiencing challenges finding federal data, please contact your librarian for assistance. 
NOTE: Access to some federal data has been impacted by the current Presidential administration. If you are experiencing challenges finding federal data, please contact your librarian for assistance. 

For additional resources related to environmental health data, please see: 

Finding Education Data & Statistics

NOTE: Access to some federal data has been impacted by the current Presidential administration. If you are experiencing challenges finding federal data, please contact your librarian for assistance. 

Note: If you need non-aggregate data for program evaluations or studies, please visit the MDE Office of Evaluation, Strategic Research and Accountability website or email Rigorous data use, storage and destruction policies must be met before data are provided. Confidential data are masked by research identification codes and file layouts modified for research purposes. Common users include researchers doing national studies or performing program evaluation across several entities in Michigan.

If you need data not available in MI School DataEEM, or MDE's Publications and Reports, please complete the CEPI Data Request Form.

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