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Research Education at the Mardigian Library

Library Instruction Organizations and Web Sites of Interest

Librarian Research Projects

Teague's Flipped Instruction project with Linguistics Professor Daniel Davis.


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Association of College and Research Libraries Framework for Information Literacy/Information Literacy Competency Standards


Sandbox for ACRL Information Literacy in Higher Education Framework: an open repository of instructional activities and teaching resources for the ACRL Information Literacy for Higher Education Framework

New Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education

Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education

Discussion about the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education

The Information Literacy Standards/Framework Debate - Inside Higher Education article by Barbara Fister

Scholarship as Conversation: The Response to the Framework for Information Literacy - Guest post by Jacob Berg on the ACRLog 

Open letter Regarding Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (December 2014) 

5 Things You Should Read About Threshold Concepts (ACRL Instruction Section): highlights and summarizes five major articles about threshold concepts

Student Information Seeking Behaviors

Project Information Literacy Report on information seeking behavior of college students

Undergraduate Information Seeking Behavior at Skidmore College (Research Study)

How Do Our Students Learn? Webinar: Introduces five basic principles from the cognitive science of learning, along with concrete examples for how to apply them to the information literacy instruction context

Information Literacy Assessment

ACRL Report: Academic Library Contributions to Student Success: Documented Practices from the Field: report on a massive study assessing the value of academic libraries, in which over 70 North American libraries participated.

Assessments of Information Literacy available online:  This is a comprehensive resource with links to forced test options, assessment tools, and rubrics.  The links below are included here as well.

Rubric Assessment of Information Literacy Skills (RAILS):   From the RAILS site: Rubrics are powerful tools for assessment.  The RAILS project is intended to help librarians create and use rubrics for information literacy assessment.  To this end, RAILS serves as clearinghouse for information literacy rubrics.

Standardized Assessment of Information Literacy (Project SAILS):  From the SAILS site: Project SAILS helps faculty and academic librarians better understand the information literacy skills of their students. These data-driven insights inform instructors of weak areas, guide course instruction, affirm growth following instruction, and prepare students to be successful in learning and life.

Tool for Real-Time Assessment of Information Literacy Skills (TRAILS): This is more for k-12 but some material here may prove useful.

Teaching and Learning Activities

List of Teaching Methods provided by the University of North Carolina Charlotte

List of Learning Activities provided by EDUCAUSE

Instructional Literature

Engaging Students in Citing Sources with Competition and Creativity Webinarintroduces in-class competition, like Citation Relay, and other creative activities that allow students to engage enthusiastically and intellectually with citation crafting. Participants will discover how to create an innovative, active-learning lesson plan that rewards students for intensive focus on citation structure, formatting, and content.

Tools for Librarians

Embedded Librarianship

SLA Embedded Librarians Caucus Website: a forum for librarians interested in the theory and practice of embedded librarianship. Includes caucus webinars and other resources about embedded librarianship

The Embedded Librarian blog: by David Shumaker, explores new, embedded roles for librarians

Embedded Librarianship Workshop Slides - Learn about what embedded librarianship is and best practices for achieving this.

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