Citations provide the information necessary for readers to identify and retrieve each source you use. When you use someone else's words or ideas in your papers, you should create In-text citations (within the paper) and Bibliography citations (at the end of the paper). Each of the sources you cited in your research paper (in-text) should lead to a citation in the Bibliography, and each citation in the Bibliography should come from an In-text citation.
Your bibliography should be organized in alphabetical order by author last name. Follow Dr. Aronson's citation templates when you're putting together your citations:
Journal Article In-Text Citation: (Authorlastname, Authorlastname, & Authorlastname, Year of publication, pg. number)
Journal Article Bibliography Citation:
Authorlastname, A. A., Authorlastname, B. B., & Authorlastname, C. C. (Year of publication). "Title of article." Name of Journal, Volume number: start page number - end page number.
Book In-Text Citation: (Authorlastname, Authorlastname, & Authorlastname, Year of publication, pg. number)
Book Bibliography Citation:
Authorlastname, A. A., & Authorlastname, B. B. (Year). Name of book. start page number - end page number.