1. Title Page
2. Introduction:
- While the Cengage website for each experiment lists some rudimentary background, this will not be enough to complete your introduction
- Find additional peer-reviewed articles that discuss the theory underpinning the CogLab hypothesis:
- Be careful not to plagiarize or quote unnecessarily.
3. Method:
- Some of this information can be obtained from the website while further details may require you to access the primary source on which the replication was based
- ONLY methods of the CogLab experiment that you participated in. Not the methods from the original study being replicated.
4. Results:
- This section requires you to perform simple statistical analysis comparing your individual data to the global data reported by CogLab
- Please ensure you are performing the appropriate analysis, see Dr. Clark Foos for assistance.
- ONLY results of the CogLab experiment that you participated in. Not the results from the original study being replicated.
- Supporting materials too detailed or big too include for the paper body, such as tables of raw data, charts, graphs, or other materials should be an Appendix and not included in the Results section
- Example: If you had a table of raw data that you wanted to include, you would use a parenthetical referral to send the reader to its place in the Appendix, i.e. (See Appendix: Table 1)
5. Discussion:
- Evaluate your results and put them in a broader framework of research
- Do the results support the research hypothesis?
- Who cares, what does it mean, why should I be excited by these findings?
- How do the results affect the theories you discussed in the introduction? Do they confirm, disagree?
- What aspects of your experimental environment could have confounded the results? Is there anything you'd do differently the next time you were setting up your experiment?
6. References list in APA Stye
For more writing help, contact the Writing Center and make an appointment to meet with one of their consultants (and get extra credit).
7. Appendix
- Supporting materials, such as tables of raw data, charts, or graphs, referred to in the body of the paper
- Order the appendices by when and where the material is referred to in the body of your paper
- For example, a chart referred to on page 2 would appear in the appendix before a chart on page
Grading Rubric
Detailed information about how Dr. Clark Foos will grade your lab reports: