Many company databases include company financials as part of their company profiles. Below are a few suggestions:
Mergent Online: Includes both current and historical financial information on 15,000 U.S. and 20,000 foreign companies, both active and inactive. Included are firm descriptions, statistics, financial information, and annual reports. Historical data is available for the past 15 years.
To find the company filings, search for your company from the database landing page:
Then, click on your company. This will take you to their company profile. You can find filings, including 10-K and 8-K filings, under these tabs.
D&B Hoovers: Provides in-depth business information about nearly one million companies, including around 600,000 large and mid-sized companies in the United States and Canada. To find financial information, click on the SEC filings tab under "advanced" in your company's profile.