Factiva: Company and industry financial data and news stories, as well as full text articles from 6,000 trade publications, newspapers, newswires, and magazines.
Michigan Newspapers: Recent coverage of about 150 Michigan newspapers, including the Detroit News (1999 - present), Flint Journal (1995 - present), Grand Rapids Press (2000 - present), Kalamazoo Gazette (2005 - present), Oakland Press (2004 - present), and Saginaw News (1998 - present).
ProQuest Global Newsstream: Full text from over 1,000 newspapers and newswire services from around the world. Includes full text access to recent years of the Detroit Free Press, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal (including Americas and Asia editions), and the Washington Post.
- Search Tip: Go to Advanced Search and enter your company name under "company/organization" and limit your results under "source type":
ProQuest US Newsstream: Includes most recent US news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format.
Business Source Complete: Business Source Complete contains over 2,000 active, business-related periodicals covering topics such as management, economics, finance, accounting, marketing, banking, and international business.
- Search tip: Search for your company name and switch the search field to "CO Company Entity":
ABI/INFORM: Along with in-depth coverage of business, finance, and management publications, this database also includes local and regional business publications, trade and industry magazines, and newsletters.