The following data, datasets, and statistical databases listed below are highly recommended as research starting points.
Data-Planet Statistical Datasets - Provides access to statistical information produced by U.S. federal agencies, private companies, and intergovernmental organizations. Create maps and reports from data you select from over 640 datasets. Subjects include health, crime, population, finance, industry, and marketing.
DATA USA - Data USA, the most comprehensive website and visualization engine of public US Government data.
Historical Statistics of the United States - Quantitative facts of American history, collected from over 1,000 sources. Topics include population, work and welfare, economics, government, international relations, and more. Provides advanced features such as the ability to create custom tables and to download tables in Excel or CSV.
ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research) Data - The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research maintains the world's largest archive of computerized, numeric social science data. Topics covered include demography, economics, health care, politics, social behavior, public opinion.
ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States - Published annually by the Federal Government since 1878, The Statistical Abstract of the United States is the best-known statistical reference publication in the country. As a comprehensive collection of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States, it is a snapshot of America and its people.
Statista - Statista provides access to the most relevant and important statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources. Information comes from over 10,000 sources and covers over 600 industries.
World Development Indicators - Part of the World Bank eLibrary, World Development Indicators provides a comprehensive selection of economic, social, and environmental indicators, drawing on data from the World Bank and more than 30 partner agencies. The database covers more than 900 indicators for 210 economies with data back to 1960. Specific series and countries/groups can be selected for specific year ranges, and data can be exported.