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FIN 484 Seminar: Financial Management

This guide supports the research requirements of FIN 484 Seminar: Financial Management

Bloomberg: Short Cuts

How do I find a ticker symbol?

  1. Press the yellow F8 Equity key.
  2. Type the name of the company.
  3. Select from the list of matches shown.


  1. Type the company name
  2. Press the Help key

How do I search by company?

Within the blue command line:

  1. Type the ticker symbol
  2. Press the F8 Equity key


        1.Within the blue command line, type the company name.

How do I find company news?

  1. Type the ticker symbol
  2. Press the F8 Equity key
  3. Type CN

How do I find company financials?

  1. Type the ticker symbol
  2. Press the F8 Equity key
  3. Type CF (company filings)
  4. Select the type of filings you want (10Ks, 10Qs, 8Ks, etc.)


  1. Type the ticker symbol
  2. Press the F8 Equity key
  3. Type one of the following:
  • FA IS for income statements
  • FA BS for balance sheets
  • EE for Earnings and Estimates

How do I find company presentations?

Note: Company presentations to the investment community (at any time of the year) are found under "Company Filings".

How do I find analyst reports?

  1. Type the ticker symbol
  2. Press the F8 Equity key
  3. Choose “Company Research”

How do I find earnings calls?

  1. Type the ticker symbol
  2. Press the F8 Equity button.
  3. Under “Financial Documents”, look for "sales results calls" to read the entire transcript.

How do I find supply chain analysis?

  1. Type the ticker symbol
  2. Press the F8 Equity key
  3. Type SPLC for a graphical format (Click the Table tab to see data in a tabular format.)

How do I screen capture text or graphics?

       1. Type "Grab" in the blue command line. 

       2. Type your email address and add a subject line.

       3. Click on the red "send" button.

How do I download an entire SEC filing or a news article?

       1. Open the SEC filing or news article then click the "download" button.

       2. Save the file to the desktop.

       3. Email the document to yourself.

       4. IMPORTANT: Delete the document from the desktop before leaving the Bloomberg Lab.

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