How do I find a ticker symbol?
- Press the yellow F8 Equity key.
- Type the name of the company.
- Select from the list of matches shown.
- Type the company name
- Press the Help key
How do I search by company?
Within the blue command line:
- Type the ticker symbol
- Press the F8 Equity key
1.Within the blue command line, type the company name.
How do I find company news?
- Type the ticker symbol
- Press the F8 Equity key
- Type CN
How do I find company financials?
- Type the ticker symbol
- Press the F8 Equity key
- Type CF (company filings)
- Select the type of filings you want (10Ks, 10Qs, 8Ks, etc.)
- Type the ticker symbol
- Press the F8 Equity key
- Type one of the following:
- FA IS for income statements
- FA BS for balance sheets
- EE for Earnings and Estimates
How do I find company presentations?
Note: Company presentations to the investment community (at any time of the year) are found under "Company Filings".
How do I find analyst reports?
- Type the ticker symbol
- Press the F8 Equity key
- Choose “Company Research”
How do I find earnings calls?
- Type the ticker symbol
- Press the F8 Equity button.
- Under “Financial Documents”, look for "sales results calls" to read the entire transcript.
How do I find supply chain analysis?
- Type the ticker symbol
- Press the F8 Equity key
- Type SPLC for a graphical format (Click the Table tab to see data in a tabular format.)
How do I screen capture text or graphics?
1. Type "Grab" in the blue command line.
2. Type your email address and add a subject line.
3. Click on the red "send" button.
How do I download an entire SEC filing or a news article?
1. Open the SEC filing or news article then click the "download" button.
2. Save the file to the desktop.
3. Email the document to yourself.
4. IMPORTANT: Delete the document from the desktop before leaving the Bloomberg Lab.