For your Research Proposal, you will prepare a written document that includes an Introduction section and a Methods section.
Introduction: includes the problem to be studied, theory that is guiding the research/review of current literature, relevance of the work, and specific study hypothesis. Your introduction should discuss the articles that you've used to build your study, but also be more than just a summary of the articles you've read. Your introduction should be a compelling narrative about how the articles you've read have built up to your study hypothesis and make the case for why your research study is important.
1. Go to Find Articles to find peer-reviewed journal articles about your research area.
2. Go to Analyze Your Articles and Use Your Articles to analyze and evaluate your sources and use them to build your arguments and justifications for your research study.
3. Go to Develop A Researchable Hypothesis to use your articles to build your study hypothesis
Research Methods: includes proposed subject recruitment, experimental design (variables you will study, measures and assessments you will use, procedures you will follow), and proposed data analysis plan
1. Follow the steps under Identify/Justify Methods & Populations to identify appropriate methodologies and populations for your research area and then find articles that justify the use of those methodologies and populations for your research design.
2. Follow the steps under Identify/Justify/Find Tests to identify appropriate test and measures for your research area, find articles that justify the use of those tests and measures for your research design, and then find those tests and measures for data collection.
For more writing help, contact the Writing Center and make an online appointment to meet with one of their consultants.