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A print copy of The CSE Manual, 8th edition, is available on the reference shelves in the Mardigian Library.

(Sorry, the library does not provide an e-book version of this at the present time.)

Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers

ISBN: 978-0-226-11649-5
Publication Date: 2014

Scientific Style and Format is the most recognized, authoritative reference for authors, editors, publishers, students, and translators in all areas of science and related fields. The eighth edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect recent changes in language relating to the perpetually evolving electronic and online environments, new and updated references in all chapters, and changes in international standards and policies. Also new to this edition are guidelines and examples for citing online images and information graphics, podcasts and webcasts, online videos, blogs, social networking sites, and e-books. Style instructions for physics, chemistry, genetics, biological sciences, and astronomy have been adjusted to reflect developments in each field. The coverage of numbers, units, mathematical expressions, and statistics has been revised and now includes more information on managing tables, figures, and indexes. Additionally, a full discussion of plagiarism and other aspects of academic integrity is provided, along with a complete treatment of developments in copyright law, including Creative Commons.

The CSE Style

Many of the Natural Sciences faculty want you to follow Council of Science Editors (CSE) style when compiling your bibliography or references list.  Examples of how to construct some of the most common bibliography entries are shown below. More examples can be found in Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 8th ed. (pp. 547-649). For example, consult the CSE Manual if you are referencing:

  • a book that was translated,
  • the forward of a book,
  • the Kindle edition of a book,
  • a dissertation or thesis,
  • a paper or poster from a conference.


One author

Cody ML. Habitat selection in birds. San Diego (CA): Academic Press; 1985.

National Research Council (US), Subcommittee to Review the Hanford Thyroid Study. Final results and report. Review of the Hanford Thyroid Disease Study draft final report. Washington (DC): National Academy Press (US); 2000.

Two or more authors

Sokal RR, Rohlf FJ. Biometry. 3rd edition. New York (NY): W. H. Freeman; 1995.

White PS, Pickett STA. Ecology of natural disturbance and patch dynamics. Orlando (FL): Academic Press; 1985.

Chapter or other part of a book

Sjögren-Gulve P, Ray C. Using logistic regression to model metapopulation dynamics: large-scale forestry extirpates the pool frog. In: McCullough DR, editor. Metapopulations and wildlife conservation. Washington (DC): Island Press; 1996. p. 111-127.

Weller DW. Predation on marine mammals. In: Perrin W, Wursig B, Thewissen JGM, editors. Encyclopedia of marine mammals. San Diego (CA): Academic Press; 2002. p.985-994.

Journal, Magazine, or Newspaper Article

Article in a print journal, with volume numbers

Wilson BS. Tail injuries increase the risk of mortality in free-living lizards (Uta stansburiana). Oceologia. 1992; 92(1):145-152.

Henderson R, Chips M, Cornwell N, Hitchins P, Holden B, Hurley S, Parsons SA, Wetherill A, Jefferson B. Experiences of algae in UK waters: a treatment perspective. Water Environ J. 2008; 22(3):184-192.

Article in a print journal, without volume numbers and pages are sequentially numbered from one volume to the next.  (For example, volume 2, number 3 ends on page 455 and volume 2, number 4 begins on page 456.) If volume numbers and pages are not sequentially numbered from one volume to the next, use the format for article in a newspaper or popular magazine, below.

Wilson BS, Pavel PJ. Dehydration reduces the endurance running capacity of the lizard Uta stansburiana. Copeia. 1989(4):1052-1956.

Article in an online journal

Henderson R, Chips M, Cornwell, N, Hitchins P, Holden B, Hurley S, Parsons SA, Wetherill A, Jefferson B. Experiences of algae in UK waters: a treatment perspective. Water Environ J. 2008 [accessed 17 Jan 31]; 22(3):184-192.

Article in a print newspaper or magazine

Graedon J, Graedon T. Is the environment feeding us estrogen? St. Louis Post - Dispatch (Five Star Ed.). 1995 Apr 24; Sect. E:4.

Trivedi BP The wipeout gene. Scientific American. 2011; 305(5):68-75.

Article in an online newspaper or magazine

Trivedi BP. The wipeout gene. Scientific American. 2011 [accessed 17 Jan 31]; 305(5):68-75.

Web Page

Torres AG, Reyes RB. Hyphessobrycon pulshripinnis Ahl, 1937. Los Baños (Philippines): The FishBase Project; [date unknown; accessed 2017 Jan 11].

Online Database

FishBase. version (10/2016). Los Baños (Philippines): The FishBase Project. 2016 - [updated 2016 October; accessed 2017 Jan 11].

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