Trademark Electronic Search System
“Clearance search”
Field tags
Comb: combined
on : owner name
Ld: live vs. dead trademarks
De: description on trademark
Cc: coordinating class (classes of products that are often found together)
Ic: international class (the exact class tag)
Truncation operators *, $, ? =unlimited within [comb], unlimited in any field, one character
Use it for compound words. Coffeehouse, coffee shop, coffee* (searches in comb field tag)
Substitution - for alternative spellings or phoneticly
{v} vowel - flex =fl{v}x
{“e” 1:2} there are either one or 2 e’s in this spot
*{“fh”}le{“h” 0:1}{ckqx}* would search for phlex or flex or phleck or flea
Boolean Operators
And, Or, Not
Design Mark Search
Use the design code manual to search for design aspects.
Use ? as a truncation mark
030503[dc] searches the design code field for zebra which has the code of 03.05.03
Horses, donkeys, or zebras would be 0305??[dc]
Any animal would be 03????[dc]
Start with a [on] owner name search
Then do a dead on search for an exact match
Then use the truncation substitution and Boolean operators (to broaden the results)
Then NOT out the things that are not what you need (to narrow the results)