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BCHM 210 - Biochemistry Laboratory Techniques

CSE Style Examples

Below is just a sample of some of the items that you will probably need for your reference list. More examples can be found in Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 8th ed. (pp. 547-649).

1. Book

One author

Cody ML. Habitat selection in birds. San Diego (CA): Academic Press; 1985.

National Research Council (US), Subcommittee to Review the Hanford Thyroid Study. Final results and report. Review of the Hanford Thyroid Disease Study draft final report. Washington (DC): National Academy Press (US); 2000.

Two or more authors

Sokal RR, Rohlf FJ. Biometry. 3rd edition. New York (NY): W. H. Freeman; 1995.

White PS, Pickett STA. Ecology of natural disturbance and patch dynamics. Orlando (FL): Academic Press; 1985.

Editor, translator, or compiler in addition to author

García Márquez G. Love in the time of cholera. Grossman, E, translator. New York (NY): Knopf;1988.

Chapter or other part of a book

Sjögren-Gulve P, Ray C. Using logistic regression to model metapopulation dynamics: large-scale forestry extirpates the pool frog. In: McCullough DR, editor. Metapopulations and wildlife conservation. Washington (DC): Island Press; 1996. p. 111-127.

Weller DW. Predation on marine mammals. In: Perrin W, Wursig B, Thewissen JGM, editors. Encyclopedia of marine mammals. San Diego (CA): Academic Press; 2002. p.985-994.

Preface, foreword, introduction, or similar part of a book

Vaughan B. Foreward. In: Kalra YP, editor. Handbook of reference methods for plant analysis. New York (NY): CRC Press; 1998. p. iii.

Book published electronically

Pollan M. The omnivore’s dilemma: a natural history of four meals. New York (NY): Penguin; 2007. [Kindle ed.]

2. Journal article

Print journal, WITH volume numbers

Wilson BS. Tail injuries increase the risk of mortality in free-living lizards (Uta stansburiana) Oceologia. 1992;92(1):145-152.

Henderson R, Chips M, Cornwell, N, Hitchins P, Holden B, Hurley S, Parsons SA, Wetherill A, Jefferson B. Experiences of algae in UK waters: a treatment perspective. Water Environ J. 2008;22(3):184-192.

Print journal, WITHOUT volume numbers and pages are sequentially numbered from one volume to the next.  (For example, volume 2, number 3 ends on page 455 and volume 2, number 4 begins on page 456.) If volume numbers and pages are not sequentially numbered from one volume to the next, use the format for article in a newspaper or popular magazine, below.

Wilson BS, Pavel PJ. Dehydration reduces the endurance running capacity of the lizard Uta stansburiana. Copeia. 1989(4):1052-1956.

Online journal

Henderson R, Chips M, Cornwell, N, Hitchins P, Holden B, Hurley S, Parsons SA, Wetherill A, Jefferson B. Experiences of algae in UK waters: a treatment perspective. Water Environ J. 2008 [accessed 17 Jan 31];22(3):184-192.

3. Newspaper or magazine article


Graedon J, Graedon T. Is the environment feeding us estrogen? St. Louis Post - Dispatch (Five Star Ed.). 1995 Apr 24;Sect. E:4.

Trivedi BP The wipeout gene. Scientific American. 2011;305(5):68-75.


Trivedi BP. The wipeout gene. Scientific American. 2011 [accessed 17 Jan 31];305(5):68-75.

4. Dissertation or thesis

Killpack TL. Immune capacity development and factors that influence the strength of immune response in growing altricial birds [dissertation]. [Madison (WI)]: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

5. Paper or poster presented at a meeting or conference

Thomas JA, Schönrogge K, Elmes GW. Specializations and host associations of parasites of ants. In: Fellowes MDE, Holloway GJ, Rolff J, editors. Insect Evolutionary Ecology. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society's 22nd Symposium; [date unknown]; Reading, UK. Cambridge (MA): CABI Publishing; 2005. p. 479-518.

6. Web page

Torres AG, Reyes RB. Hyphessobrycon pulshripinnis Ahl, 1937. Los Baños (Philippines): The FishBase Project; [date unknown; accessed 2017 Jan 11].

7. Online Database

FishBase. version (10/2016). Los Baños (Philippines): The FishBase Project. 2016 - [updated 2016 October; accessed 2017 Jan 11].

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