Michigan Coronavirus Hotline 1-888-535-6136
Wayne County Coronavirus Hotline (734) 287-7870
Detroit Health Department 24-hour Hotline (313) 876-4000
Beaumont Health COVID-19 Hotline: (248) 551-7000
Henry Ford Health System Nurse Line (313) 874-7500
Detroit Medical Center 1-800-DMC-2500
Wayne County Health Department
Oakland County Health Department
Macomb County Health Department
United Community Housing Coalition is helping answer questions regarding a landlord-tenant or other eviction matter in Detroit. If you need assistance call (313) 355-3352 or email UCHC at eviction@uchcdetroit.org.
We the People, a community coalition group, will distribute water in the Detroit area. Click the map for water drop-off locations.