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Faculty Research Guide

This guide provides a general overview of library tools to help UM-Dearborn faculty find resources for publishing their research and determining impact factors in their subject field.

Michigan Research Experts

The University of Michigan system maintains a database to ensure that our faculty members get the recognition they deserve as experts in their fields. This database, Michigan Research Experts, is currently working to on-board all the faculty members on the Dearborn campus. It will have profiles for each faculty member where you can track your impact in the academy and connect with others here at the University who are working in other fields and may have interests which intersect with your own. By activating your profile and ensuring the correctness and completeness of your record you will become more visible to others both inside and outside the University. This will help you to demonstrate your expertise in your field and to make cross-disciplinary connections with your colleagues. 

Ensure Proper Credit for Your Scholarship - ORCID, Google Scholar Profiles, Michigan Research Experts


Ensure that you are getting proper credit for your work and making the most impact with your research by using a persistent digital Identifier such as ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). With ORCiD you can reduce the risk of attribution errors and ensure that your professional works are all attributed correctly.

Because ORCiD is free, use your account to maintain information about your body of work across all institutions. You can share your ORCiD with those outside your home institution to allow access to your complete Curriculum Vitae.

Register for your ORCID in three steps:

Google Scholar Profiles  

Google Scholar Profiles provide a simple way for authors to showcase their academic publications. Check who is citing your articles, graph citations over time, and compute several citation metrics. Make your profile public, so it may appear in Google Scholar results when people search for your name, e.g., richard feynman.

It is quick to set up and simple to maintain - even if you have written hundreds of articles, or if your name is shared by several different scholars. Add groups of related articles, not just one at a time; and your citation metrics are computed and updated automatically as Google Scholar finds new citations to your work on the web.

Choose to have your list of articles updated automatically, review the updates yourself, or manually update your articles at any time (from the website 11/1/23)

Create your profile


"Our mission is to connect the world of science and make research open to all. The 20 million researchers in our community come from diverse sectors in over 190 countries, and use ResearchGate to connect, collaborate, and share their work." (From the website, 11/23):

Create your profile

The DOI® system

Links to resources can break sometimes. This can be particularly troublesome when the link to something you have written breaks and you can no longer find the article you worked so hard on. Using a DOI (digital object identifier) can help provide a more stable link to an article or other digital object.

A DOI is a handle that has location metadata attached to it in a standardized way managed by ISO and the organization that grants the DOI. Using these DOIs, whenever possible, makes linking to your work much easier and reduces the risk of your links become broken over time.

This tool is a free DOI lookup that you can use to find these more stable links for an article that you may want to reference (your own or someone else's).

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