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Supply Chain Research

General guide for researching supply chain management and operations

Supplier Identification and Sourcing

You can find lots of supplier information on the open web and within library databases. However, it can be challenging to identify potential suppliers that meet required specifications, especially internationally. The resources below should help you to begin identifying suppliers.

Industry Identification Codes

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): Used by government & business directories for classifying products and services by 2-6 digit codes. Replaced SIC codes in 1997.

NACE, Rev 2. Europe: Product classification system approved by the European Commission.

United Nations Standard Product & Service Code (UNSPSC): While NAICS codes describe a broader business activity, UNSPSC is very product-centric. Increasingly applied to company procurement and e-commerce catalogs.

Company Information Databases

D&B Hoover's: Coverage of nearly one million companies, including around 600,000 large and mid-sized companies in the United States and Canada; 260,000 companies in Asia and the Pacific; and nearly 100,000 other companies globally. 

Orbis: Orbis has information about 40 million companies, including 18 million European companies from 46 countries, 16 million U.S. and Canadian companies, 6.5 million South and Central American companies, 1.3 million Japanese companies, 300,000 Chinese companies, and 90,000 African companies.

Mergent Online: Provides access to current and historical financial information on 15,000 U.S. and 20,000 foreign companies, both active and inactive. Included are firm descriptions, statistics, financial information, and annual reports. See the video below for information on finding supplier information in Mergent Online:

Identify Major Manufacturers

North America

ThomasNet - United States: Currently provides info for over 500,000 businesses listing over 65,000 detailed industrial product categories.

MacRae’s Blue Book – North America: Over 1,200,000 industrial companies and 50,000 product headings. 

IQS Directory: Manufacturers in over 180 industrial categories operating in the US and Canadian OEM marketplaces.


Alibaba: China focused. Over 40 product categories ranging including industrial and electronic components, apparel and food products.

Global Sources: Covers 14 world regions with strong focus on China. Information on over 5.7 million products and 260,000 suppliers.

Made In China: Consumer goods, industrial supplies, raw materials and services from China.


Wer Liefert Was?: Uncovers over 620,000 suppliers in 64 industries operating in Germany (, Austria ( and Switzerland ( 

EuroPages: Over 2.5 million companies. Focus is on Europe, but other regions are covered as well.


MFG Contract Manufacturers: Contract manufacturers for assembly, CNC, investment casting, injection molding and other sectors.

GlobalSpec: More than 122 million parts from suppliers across the industrial sector along with searchable specifications.

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