You can locate case studies in a number of the library's databases. Below are a few that have lots of case studies, as well as information on how to search for case studies within each database.
Business Insights Global: Includes case studies from a wide variety of journals and institutions. After opening the database, navigate to "advanced search"

Enter your keywords into the search box, then scroll down to "search limiters" and select "case studies" under "content type"

ABI/INFORM Complete: A key journal available through ABI/Inform is MIT Sloan LearningEdge, among many others. To search for case studies in this database, use advanced search:

In advanced search, enter your topic keywords AND case study:

Business Source Complete: Includes case studies on topics such as management, economics, finance, accounting, marketing, banking, and international business. To search this database, enter your topic keywords AND case study: