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Advanced Psychology Research Guide

Advanced Research Processes and Sources in Psychology

Access Library Resources Online

Trying to access library resources online? Follow the instructions on the Online Access to Library Resources page to:

  • access library databases, articles, and ebooks, both on-campus and off-campus
  • troubleshoot error messages or other issues with accessing online sources from the library

Other Useful Databases for Psychology Research (beyond PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES)

Check out the library's self-paced online tutorial What Are Library Databases and Why Should I Use Them? for more info about library databases.

Annual Reviews: keep up to date with critical reviews of the most significant research of the year in Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Neuroscience, and Organizational Psychology

APA PsycTESTS: American Psychological Association (APA) database. Provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments, as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration.

CINAHL Complete: includes some peer-reviewed articles for Psychology, Psychiatry, Health Psychology, Psychobiology, and Neuroscience. Useful advanced features include:

  • To identify other articles in your research area:
    • References (articles cited in the research article)
  • Age groups and genders studied
  • List of journals in which articles for your research area have been published

ClinicalKey: Elsevier's single search product for the clinical health sciences, with medical ebooks, journals, drug monographs, videos, and images. 

Embase: a medical database that includes more than 16 billion validated biomedical records, focusing on drug and pharmacology and clinical medicine. 

Journal Citation Reports: evaluates journals by measuring their Impact Factors, their research influence and impact at the journal and category levels, using citation data. Search for the impact factor of a specific journal or search the JCR Social Sciences edition for a group of journals in your particular Psychology research area.


Go to the Psychiatry Online database and click on DSM Library in the top navigation bar to access the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The DSM Library provides online access to the following volumes:

  • The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition, Text Revision) (DSM-5-TR) 
  • The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition) (DSM-5)
  • DSM-5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis 
  • DSM-5 Clinical Cases 

Psychological Experiments Online: pairs audio and video recordings of quintessential experiments in psychology with thousands of pages of primary-source documents. It's packed with exclusive and hard-to-find materials, including notes from experiment participants, journal articles, books, field notes, and final reports.

Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection: full-text database that provides hundreds of full-text psychology journals, including many indexed in PsycINFO. It offers particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and counseling.

PubMedincludes full-text peer-reviewed journals for Health Psychology, Psychobiology, and Neuroscience. Useful advanced features include:

  • To identify other articles in your research area:
    • Related Citations (articles in the same research area)
    • References (articles cited in the research article)

ScienceDirect: includes full-text peer-reviewed journals and ebooks for Psychobiology; Neuroscience; Clinical, Cognitive, Developmental, Experimental, and Social Psychology. Useful advanced features include:

  • To identify related articles in your research area:
    • Linked Citing Articles list (articles that have since cited the research article)
    • Recommended articles (articles in the same research area)
    • Linked citation lists (articles cited in the research article)
  • List of journals in which articles for your research area have been published

SpringerLink: includes full-text peer-reviewed journals and ebooks for Psychobiology; Neuroscience; Mindfulness; Clinical, Cognitive, Counseling, Health, and Social Psychology. Useful advanced features include:

  • To identify related articles in your research area:
    • Linked References (articles cited in the research article)
  • List of journals in which articles for your research area have been published

Web of Science: includes full-text peer-reviewed journals for Health Psychology; Psychobiology; and Neuroscience. Useful advanced features include:

  • To identify related articles in your research area:
    • Linked Times Cited lists (articles that have since cited the research article)
    • Related records (articles in the same research area)
    • Linked Cited Reference lists (articles cited in the research article)
  • Funding agency information
  • List of journals in which articles for your research area have been published
  • Calculates your H-Index (your research output and impact)

Wiley Online Library: includes full-text peer-reviewed journals and ebooks for Psychobiology; Neuroscience; Psychological Methods, Research, and Statistics; Applied, Clinical, Cognitive, Counseling, Developmental, Health, Personality, and Social Psychology

  • To identify related articles in your research area:
    • Linked Cited By lists (articles that have since cited the research article)
    • Related content (articles and ebooks in the same research area)
    • Linked Cited Reference lists (articles cited in the research article)

Click here to see the full list of Mardigian Library's Psychology databases.

What Is Peer-Review?

What is peer-review? Watch this video and find out.

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