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Advanced Psychology Research Guide

Advanced Research Processes and Sources in Psychology

Master's Thesis Projects at UM-Dearborn

1. Students may elect to complete a Masters Thesis during the second year of the program. Students selecting this option will take 3 credits in an approved elective course and 6 thesis credits. Contact the program director, Dr. Caleb Siefert, or the Master's Thesis Coordinator, Dr. Michelle Leonard, for more information..

2. Browse Master's Theses or Honors Theses to see what approved theses look like.

  • Your thesis will also be uploaded to Deep Blue, UofM's institutional repository (searchable through Google Scholar).
  • You will need to register for an ORCID ID, a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. 

3. Institutional Research Board (IRB) Application

You cannot collect data or run analyses without Institutional Research Board (IRB) approval for any planned research involving human subjects. 

  • Go to the eResearch Regulatory Management Human Subjects application page and click on the Human Subjects Study Application button in the upper left margin to start a new application.
  • Go to the PEERS Portal to access the University of Michigan's online regulatory compliance and responsible conduct of research training modules, including:
    • the PEERS Human Subjects Research Protection module
    • the PEERS Responsible Conduct of Research & Scholarship module

Office Of Research Help Guides

For questions regarding IRB application requirements (e.g., policy, procedure, science), contact IRB Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences, by email at or by phone at (734) 936-0933.

4. To graduate after successfully defending your Master's thesis:

The Graduate Studies Office requires you to have your thesis submitted to Deep Blue (the University of Michigan's institutional repository) in order to release your final grade. You and your advisor can choose from either of the following process options below to have your thesis submitted to Deep Blue

The deadlines for submission for either option are:

  • Summer 2024 August 9, 2024
  • Fall 2024 December 9, 2024
  • Winter 2025 April 14, 2025

Option 1: Submit your Master's Thesis for a format check before you have it submitted to Deep Blue

  • Fill out the Graduate Student Information Form to submit your Master's Thesis (in Word) for a format check. 
    • Your thesis needs to be finalized and approved by your Thesis Chair before you submit it for a format check
    • Use the Master's Thesis Formatting Checklist below to make sure that your thesis meets the Graduate Studies Office formatting requirements for Masters theses. 
  • Library staff will check your thesis once using the Master's Thesis Formatting Checklist (see below) against the Graduate Studies Office formatting requirements for Masters theses.
  • Library staff will send you an email that includes the formatting revisions needed as well as a link to the Deep Blue Submission form 
  • You will complete the required changes to your thesis and e-sign on the Deep Blue Submission form that you have made all the needed changes and have rechecked their document again to verify that it meets all the criteria.
    • You will also add information about your thesis needed for Deep Blue submission
    • You will then submit your Master's Thesis as a pdf file with embedded fonts for Deep Blue

Option 2: Waive a format check and just submit your thesis to Deep Blue

  • Fill out the Thesis/Dissertation Waiver Statement and have your committee chair sign it
  • Fill out the Graduate Student Information Form  and submit the waiver statement instead of your thesis
    • This statement must be signed by your committee chair before you submit it
  • Library staff will send you an email that includes the link to the Deep Blue Submission form 
  • You will fill out the Deep Blue Submission form with information about your thesis needed for Deep Blue submission
    • You will then submit your Master's Thesis as a pdf file with embedded fonts for Deep Blue

To help you format your Word document correctly, use:

Research Project Design & Writing

Hover over the info "i" icon for the book's description

Print Books

  • Click on the book title link for info on the book's Call Number and library availability. 
  • If you need help finding a book on the library's shelves, feel free to ask for help at the Library Info Desk


  • Click on the title link to open the ebook (click on Access web version on the landing page)
  • Go to Online Library Access for instructions on how to access library ebooks and what to do when you can't

Statistics and Data Analysis/Management

APA 6-step guide to starting, researching, writing and defending your thesis

1. Starting the dissertationExperts offer tips on picking a topic, conducting a lit review, identifying your problem and questions, and staying on track

2. Choose your research methods wisely: Experts offer tips on balancing ambition and realism in your research design

3. Ready, set, collect! Experts offer tips on making your thesis proposal defense, IRB approval, participant recruitment, and data collection go smoothly 

4. Writing up your results: Experts offer tips on analyzing your data, formatting and design the presentation of your results, and staying focused

5. Discussing your findingsExperts offer tips on writing your discussion section, including putting your research into context, striking a balance between telling the story of why people should care about your research without overstating your conclusions, and common discussion mistakes 

6. Publishing your dissertation: Experts offer tips on editing your dissertation to make it publishable in a scholarly journal

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    Dearborn, MI 48128, USA
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