Adapted From The Open Pedagogy Notebook:
We might think about Open Pedagogy as an access-oriented commitment to learner-driven education AND as a process of designing architectures and using tools for learning that enable students to shape the public knowledge commons of which they are a part. We might insist on the centrality of the 5 Rs to this work, and we might foreground the investments that Open Pedagogy shares with other learner-centered approaches to education.
OEP, or Open Educational Practices, can be defined as the set of practices that accompany either the use of OERs or, more to our point, the adoption of Open Pedagogy. By focusing on access, agency, and a commons-oriented approach to education, we can clarify our challenges and firmly assert a learner-centered vision for higher education.
Here are some simple but profoundly transformative examples of OEPs:
- Adapt or remix OERs with your students.
- Build OERs with your students.
- Teach your students how to edit Wikipedia articles.
- Facilitate student-created and student-controlled learning environments.
- Encourage students to apply their expertise to serve their community.
- Engage students in public chats with authors or experts.
- Build course policies, outcomes, assignments, rubrics, and schedules of work collaboratively with students.
- Let students curate course content.
- Ask critical questions about “open.”
For more detail and examples, see: